E-ISSN: 2791-8823
Volume: 1  Issue: 3 - December 2021
1. Cover

Page I

2. Letter From The Chief Physcian
Nurettin Yiyit
Page II

3. Editorial
Merih Cetinkaya
Page III

4. COVID-19 Vaccines in Children and Adolescents
Ener Çağrı Dinleyici
doi: 10.4274/csmedj.galenos.2021.2021-12-4  Pages 80 - 89
The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has an effect on children, either directly or indirectly. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) immunization in children and adolescents plays a role in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. As of December 2021, a limited number of COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for use in children and/or adolescents. Both mRNA vaccines (BNT162b and mRNA 1273) were found to be well tolerated and effective in large phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials. BNT162b2 vaccine was approved for children and adolescents aged 5 to 18, and mRNA-1273 vaccine for children aged 12 to 17. CoronaVac, an inactivated SARSCoV- 2 vaccine, was also found to be safe and immunogenic in a phase 1/2 clinical trial in China, and is presently used for pediatric immunization in some countries as a routine. As COVID-19 is less severe in children than it is in adults, the benefit of its vaccination in children is less than that of adults. Immunization with an effective and safe vaccine in children and adolescents is likely to provide protection against severe COVID-19 infection. Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines may also protect against the long-term effects of COVID-19 (MIS-C and long COVID) and community transmission, as well as mitigate the indirect effects of the pandemic on them. Vaccination should be prioritized for children and adolescents who have an increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection. If vaccines were evenly distributed worldwide, they would be the safest way to return normal life. Otherwise, lowand middle-income countries will crash, resulting in mortality, undermining global recovery, and allowing more virulent variants (such as Omicron) to emerge. If health officials incorporate the COVID-19 vaccine into routine immunization, they should also regularly evaluate their benefits and potential risks.

5. Analysis of Consultations that are Requested from the Emergency Department
Kemal Şener, Banu Arslan, Ramazan Güven, Mücahit Kapçı
doi: 10.4274/csmedj.galenos.2021.2021-11-2  Pages 90 - 94
Objective: Emergency departments (EDs) are medical units that provide healthcare to patients with diseases that have sudden onset symptoms, patients with disorders, or patients with injuries that need immediate care on a 24/7 basis. In addition to emergency patients mentioned above, EDs provide healthcare services to patients who might have an emergency medical situation later, even if their situation is not emergent initially. Emergency medicine physicians perform all resuscitative interventions to stabilize patients, identify patients who need intensive care in an undifferentiated patient pool, and provide the most appropriate treatment to make them suitable for general ward care.
Material and Methods: The current study is a retrospective and descriptive study that was conducted by analyzing the computer-based patient records of all patients who were admitted to University of Health Sciences Turkey, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital’s Emergency Service between 09.01.2020 and 10.01.2020. All 22,459 patients who were admitted to the ED within one month were included in the study. Age and gender characteristics of the patients who received consultation, departments that made the consultation, and hospitalization rates were determined.
Results: The total number of patients who were admitted to the ED between 09.01.2020 and 10.01.2020 was 22,459, the number of consultations was 4,290, and the number of hospitalizations was 1,405. Of the patients for whom consultations were requested, 2,577 were male and 1,713 were female. The mean age was 45.8 years. Of the 22,459 patients who were admitted, 1,786 (7.9%) were triaged with red tags, 9,994 (44.2%) were triaged with yellow tags, and 10,729 (47.9%) were triaged with green tags. The consultations were requested most frequently for orthopedics (522), pulmonology (501), and internal medicine (423). Furthermore, the list continues with general surgery (386); cardiology (335); ophthalmology (321); neurology (299); otorhinolaryngology (250); neurosurgery (204); obstetrics (138); infectious diseases (122); psychiatry (112); thoracic surgery (108); pediatric surgery (79); cardiovascular surgery (73); plastic surgery (71); anesthesiology and reanimation (140); and urology (55) departments. Of the patients for whom consultations were requested, 35.9% were hospitalized in general wards or intensive care units, whereas 64.1% were discharged.
Conclusion: This study shows that the number of daily admissions to the emergency room is very high, and it is increasing every day. In order to not disrupt the workflow in the ED, the consultations should be responded quickly. Moreover, if possible, consultants from the high demanding departments, such as orthopedics, pulmonologist, internal diseases, general surgery, cardiology, and ophthalmology should ensure that separate doctors (doctors whose only duty would be to attend patients in their respective departments) are on call for the ED.

6. A New Scoring: Can Brescia-COVID Respiratory Severity Scale Predict Mortality in Intensive Care?
Burcu İleri Fikri, Ezgi Direnç Kulunk, Güldem Turan
doi: 10.4274/csmedj.galenos.2021.2021-11-3  Pages 95 - 101
Objective: This study aims to compare the Brescia-coronavirus disease (COVID) severity scale (BCRSS) with acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II (APACHE-II) and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) scores in terms of predicting mortality in patients with severe coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19).
Material and Methods: BCRSS, SOFA, and APACHE-II scores of patients with severe COVID-19 were calculated when they were first admitted to the intensive care unit. BCRSS score calculation was repeated at the 48th hour. Further treatment, intubation rates, and the result of the intensive care process were recorded and compared.
Results and Conclusion: When the three scoring systems are evaluated as the mortality indicators, SOFA score did not provide a statistically significant difference (p>0.05), whereas the APACHE-II score was found to be significantly higher in the fatal cases (p<0.01). Furthermore,
BCRSS scores at the time of intensive care unit admission and at 48 h were significantly higher in the fatal cases (p<0.01). As much as our experience with the disease has been increasing since the beginning of the pandemic, scoring systems are still used for patient triage area, intubation decisions, and directing the medical treatment. Although BCRSS, one of the COVID-19-specific
scales, is yet to be validated, our results indicate its potential benefit for predicting IC mortality.

7. Histopathological Evaluation of LAG-3, TIM-3 AND CD38 Levels in Meningiomas
Uzay Erdoğan, Ozan Haşimoğlu, Ceyhan Oflezer, Osman Tanriverdi, Canan Tanık, Ömür Günaldı
doi: 10.4274/csmedj.galenos.2021.2021-11-5  Pages 102 - 109
Objective: Meningiomas are the most common primary intracranial tumors in adults that account for 36% of primary tumors. Treatment options other than surgery and radiotherapy are necessary for meningioma. Immune checkpoint molecules (ICM) are modulators that regulate the proper response of the immune system. Lymphocyte activation gene-3 (LAG-3), T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing-3 (TIM-3), and the cluster of differentiation 38 (CD38) are known ICMs. This study hypothesized the relationship between meningiomas of different histopathological grades and the levels of these three ICMs. Additionally, the therapeutic potential of these molecules was investigated.
Material and Methods: This study re-evaluated 25 specimens diagnosed as meningioma. Tissues are classified according to LAG-3, TIM-3, and CD38 levels. Age, gender, surgery date, tumor type, and subtype, histopathologically malignant grade, radiological tumor size, and presence of edema were recorded in all patients. All data were statistically compared.
Results: This study included the specimens of 25 patients, of whom 9 were males and 16 were females. LAG-3 and CD38 levels were significantly higher in tumors bigger than 6 cm.
Conclusion: This study is the first to investigate LAG-3, TIM-3, and CD38 levels in meningiomas and found a significant correlation between LAG-3 levels and meningioma size. No significant correlation was found with other data. However, the number of patients in our study was insufficient. Therefore, larger patient groups may yield more significant results.

8. Demographic Characteristics of Patients who Applied to the Emergency Service Green Area
Ertuğrul Altuğ, Ramazan Güven
doi: 10.4274/csmedj.galenos.2021.2021-12-1  Pages 110 - 114
Objective: Emergency medical care is required at any time of the day, thus emergency services are available 24 h a day, 7 days a week. Additionally, emergency medicine is defined as the specialty that detects and treats the disease and injury that requires sudden medical intervention. The emergency service applications used a triage system to ensure that urgent and serious cases reach immediate medical intervention. The triage system in Turkey used a red, yellow, and green color-coding system.
Material and Methods: This retrospective and descriptive study was conducted by examining the computer-based records of all patients who applied to University of Health Sciences Turkey, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, Emergency Service Green Field Polyclinics between May 1, 2020, and September 30, 2020.
Results: A total of 17,693 patients applied to the Emergency Service Green Area of University of Health Sciences Turkey, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura Hospital between May 1, 2020, and September 30, 2020, when the study was conducted. Of whom, 9,314 (52.8%) were females and 8,379 (47.2%) were males. The mean age of all patients was 36.3±12.8 years. Of whom, the average age of females was 36.3±12.9 years, whereas 36.2±12.7 years in males. The most common age range was 18-29 years, and the number of patients who applied was 6,452 (36.4%). Our study revealed that the most intensive hours were between 13: 00-16: 00 and 20: 00-24: 00.
Conclusion: Emergency services personnel should be planned according to the annual number of patients admitted to the emergency department of the hospital. Additionally, at certain times of the day, especially during the rush hours of the emergency services, the number of healthcare professionals, such as specialist physicians, research assistants, general practitioners, nurses, emergency medical technicians, medical secretaries, etc. should be increased.

9. Bone Metastases of Endometrial Carcinoma: Report of Three Cases
Nurefşan Aydın, Murat Danacı, İbrahim Yalçın
doi: 10.4274/csmedj.galenos.2021.2021-10-2  Pages 115 - 118
Presented herein are three patients with bone metastasis from endometrial cancer. Bone metastases were found in the pelvic bones of cases 1 and 3 and the spine of case 2. All cases had an endometrial biopsy. Cases 1 and 2 were diagnosed as low-grade endometrioid carcinoma and case 3 as high-grade endometrioid carcinoma. Cases 1 and 2 had a total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and bilateral pelvic-paraaortic lymph node dissection. Case 2 received 6 cycles of chemotherapy after the operation and had a postoperative recurrence in the left paraaortic area 11 months after the surgery. This case report emphasized the significance of evaluation of the bone metastasis in endometrial cancer.

10. 2021 Referee Index

Page E1
Abstract |Full Text PDF

11. 2021 Author Index

Page E2
Abstract |Full Text PDF

12. 2021 Subject Index

Page E3
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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